Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the hint mix 1

I was going through some of my old stuff the other day, the couple of boxes that I salvaged when Mom and Dad brought ALL the stuff from my old room down to FL when Dusty and I got married – Dusty made me throw most of it away (there was a LOT of stuff…mostly stuffed animals…) and I found a cassette tape titled “The Hint Mix I”  PC074120

(sorry my camera isn’t better – I was trying to get the handwriting – is that yours Ben??)

I have no recollection of making this mix tape, which doesn’t really surprise me – I was the 4th kid to move into the much coveted (smaller) corner bedroom in my parent’s house, sometimes things just surfaced out of nowhere.  This tape made it all the way to Florida, AND survived the strict save-nothing-our-house-cannot-be-cluttered hand of Dusty!  (this is good – we balance each other)  So obviously I was curious what was on the tape.  I popped it into the tape deck player in our car (the only one we have, who has cassette players anymore?).  And it. Is AWESOME.  It’s a lot of Paul Simon, Jimmy Buffett and other random awesome artists/songs, plus every other song is an old commercial tune, like this one:

And I really don’t think I’ve ever heard this tape before now.  Who made this tape???  And if you want it back…is there still a way to copy tapes?  Because I’m really loving this one :) 

By the way, I owe this random digging up of my past to my sister-in-law Natalie’s recent gallivantings around Europe, looking at her amazing pictures has inspired me to find my pictures and souvenirs from France (I’ve had them in a shoebox all this time!) and put them (rightly) in a scrapbook. 

So whose tape is this?