Monday, February 27, 2012

weekend adventure

Judge us if you will, but this past weekend we took Troy down Silver River – his first kayaking trip!  It was 3 miles, all downstream so I didn’t take a paddle- Dusty was our guide for the day.. I’d say the trip was a great success!  Saw some alligators, some monkeys, lots of birds, lots of turtles, and most importantly – got out of the house! 


100_0046 Troy mostly slept in his Moby (thanks Auntie Jenean and Uncle Matt!) which was good.  Didn’t want to attract any mama alligators or scary biting monkeys.





Thursday, February 23, 2012



Ok, I am finally going to get down to blogging post-baby!  I’ll spare you all the gory details of labor – I’ll just say that it was THE hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life (way harder than a marathon, I don’t know who came up with THAT comparison…), I was induced a week past my due date, no epidural – but nubain was wonderful, and this beautiful baby boy took 9 hours to get here…well, plus the 41 weeks in utero.  I’ll admit, one of the first thoughts I had after going through labor was that it’s a miracle anyone ever has more than one kid…but after 3 weeks of getting to hold, snuggle, and just look at this sweet baby boy, EVEN while sleep deprived, cranky, hurting, and hungry – I’m starting to get it.

This was just after he was born, 7lbs 6oz.IMG_0621One day old.  Everyone at the hospital was amazing.  This wasn’t something I expected, as all I heard were horror stories ending with c-section about Shands delivery, but my doctor, the nurses, the residents – everyone was SO good.  I never once felt pressured to do anything I didn’t want to, they were straightforward and told me my options, knew what they were talking about (or at least seemed like they did!) and made it a great experience!IMG_0637Two days old – we took him home and he cried most of the way, which is surprising because now as soon as he gets in the car he falls asleep.


2168 About a week old – we took him to his namesake – Troy Springs!  And this little boy loves being outside – he (usually) will stop crying as soon as we step out the door  Good thing we live in a warm climate right now!  Although this morning was muggy as all get-out, and he was over it by about 15 minutes of walking.IMG_2218About 2 weeks old – how is he already getting so big???  Oh that’s right, he eats like a maniac…ALL the time!  He nurses like a champ, I’m glad for that.  He latched on about 5 minutes after he was born and I swear he was nursing until about midnight – man was I exhausted.

P2205490Tummy time!  He rarely shows off his skills for the camera, but he is pretty much a pro at lifting his head.  So athletic.

P2205492IMG_2222   We are a happy family!




Sunday, February 5, 2012



Troy David Williams

7 lbs, 6 ozs

born 2.2.12 at 4:19pm

we already can’t get enough of him!