Sunday, May 27, 2012

hello Idaho!


We got here about 2 weeks ago now, and we’ve been having a great time just hanging out with family, playing games, doing a little exploring, and carrying on the family business (buying things at yard sales and selling them on craigslist – that’s mostly Dusty.  Troy doesn’t share his Grandma’s love of garage-saling, especially at 7am.  Or that could be me…it’s probably both of us..)  We road tripped across the country with our Subaru filled to the brim and struggling up the hills once we got out of Florida.  And we made it without any major (or minor, for that matter) issues with our car!  I figured there were so many pictures it’d be better to create one of these nifty albums.  The pictures are in no particular order…but you get the gist!  We got to see some good friends and played in Georgia, in the Smokies, Kentucky (Mammoth Caves), the Ozarks, Nauvoo, Missouri, the Rockies, and then ended our journey by driving through the last night to get to Boise while Troy slept. 

IMG_0787  IMG_0781 IMG_0778

So now we’re in Idaho!  Troy got to meet two more aunties, Natalie and Meagan, his uncle Jordan, and his cousin Milo.  We’re excited for our family-fun-filled summer!!  And we’re loving it so far  :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

3 months

3 months

This post is a little late, but the picture was taken on time :).  We’ve been a little busy.

Troy is growing every day!  Every day he looks a little different (I swear), laughs a little more, shows a little more personality.

He’s a fun kid, I love being his momma.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

goodbye Florida.

You’ve been good to us.
We’ll miss your springs.  And jungle-woods.
We’ll miss our friends we made here.
I’ll miss my job, but Dusty won’t miss his.
We named our son after you.
Thanks for the adventure.

packing, swimming, and graduating

is what we’ve been up to the last few weeks.

And I won’t lie- it’s a pretty good life.

PAcking:  I actually took these pictures about a week ago and our house doesn’t look nearly as neat as this anymore, but it ACTUALLY is much cleaner!  (Thanks Mom and Dad Williams!!)  We are moving tomorrow, so this is a last minute, last post in Florida for me.  We will be spending the summer with family then will be off to somewhere wonderful (we don’t know where yet…but it will be wonderful!) 


Swimming:  We’ve been taking Troy to lots of swimming holes lately.  Since Dusty has been done with school I feel like it’s been summer vacation, or like every day is Saturday.  It’s great.  We went to lots of springs when we could and went to the pool on days we couldn’t.  Troy is quite the little swimmer – he even goes under now and doesn’t cry.  Having Dusty for a dad, he’ll have to be brave…so we figured we’d get him started early.

P4105609Kissing manatees – I love it :) IMG_2807 IMG_2832 IMG_2843

And MOST exciting, GRADUATING!!!  I couldn’t be more proud of Dusty.  He put in a lot of grueling days and nights to earn this hood. I think he is a pretty amazing guy. IMG_2921and I’m glad Troy got some smart genes :)IMG_2927 IMG_2934