Monday, November 14, 2011

happy birthday love

About 3 weeks old 11.12.82

(I hope our baby is this cute!)

And in other news, this birthday boy is officially a private pilot!  He took me on the maiden voyage a few days ago –first flight with someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing in the cockpit.  I’ll admit, the only time I really felt nervous was when I saw this:

PB095155 PB095154

It is TINY!  But Dusty’s take-off’s and landings were perfect (I thought) and I didn’t feel nervous at all during the flight.  Well, that’s a lie…I took control of the airplane for about 45 seconds while we were flying.  It was.  So.  Scary. 


See the concentration in my face?

But DUSTY’s flying was great!  We went to Cedar Key, walked around for awhile, sat on the beach.  I was hoping to break in some new shoes for DC but just ended up getting blisters and having to take them off  (and not take them to DC :(.  )

PB095194 PB095186 PB095196


PB095162 PB095199

Congratulations Dusty!  You are awesome.  Also, props for not freaking out because this little guy:


hitched a ride back to Gainesville with us.  (And seriously, people, this cabin is SMALL!!)


jess bahr said...

Happy Birthday to Dusty, and CONGRATS on becoming a pilot! Amazing! I loved the pics- that is so fun you two got to fly together :)

Meagan said...

Awesome! Hope you guys are having fun in DC! SLY

Lia said...

I can't believe you had control of a plane even just for 45 minutes. That is CRAZY. I would have freaked out and started crying (I assume).
Wow . . . I just realized how brave Dusty is that he doesn't freak out and cry every time he flies (unless he does, but even though, flying through the crying is pretty impressive!).

Mary said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Dusty and congratulations on the pilot's license!

Rob and Kat said...

that looks AWESOME!!! looks like a fun day! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my cool. Great flying, great pictures, great birthday! Way to go, Dusty!