Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I don’t know if the above video will work – if it doesn’t, go to:

Next time – certification?  Thinking about it…. :)

I think great minds think alike, because my Mom and Dusty both suggested this great plan:  Dusty flies the plane up, and I jump out of it!  (quite the dramatic exit, I think)

Speaking of which – Dusty is (most likely) flying solo for the first time this weekend!  NOT that he needs it….but everyone maybe just send a few prayers this way… :)

(Sunshine update:  Sunny-girl seems to be doing much better  -the vet said that she (probably) has pemphigus, an auto-immune disease (rare, of course).  We figured this out after she didn’t respond at all to 2 weeks of antibiotics and antifungals (and a hefty bill).  And the vet STILL wants to do a skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, which costs about $300… our vet-school friend Judd said that the type of pemphigus she has is actually the most mild type, and we’ve been treating her with some OTC hydrocortisone, and we’re seeing our old Sunshine come back!  Now let’s hope it keeps working!!)


sharon said...

I love your hoola hoop dance! And you are having so much fun!!! The zipline and "flying" out of a plane!! So windy! I totally love your face midair. hahaha...And the coke place looks so awesome! Is that in Georgia? I have to go visit you so you can take me to all these cool adventures!!

cbryan said...

This video makes me miss you! Even though I got to see you TWICE this month which was totally awesome. Of course, when you come visit me we just sit around my apartment and stare at my cute kids... I'm so not fun HAHAHA

Lia said...

Oh! I forgot you were doing crazy things! No wonder you've been ignoring me! ;)

ANYWAYS . . . I really want to know soon what I am doing with my life so that we can make plans to visit Jamie because I just talked to her yesterday and I miss her! (and you!)

ALSO . . . Good luck to Dusty! I would be so scared to fly a plane . . . then again I am scared of most things. =S

Rob and Kat said...

i love the video. and i seriously love that you and ali got together! i did one of those zip lines at park city (not even a big bad one) and i was SO scared. you guys are much tougher than i. :) and good luck to dusty!

jess bahr said...

How did I not know dusty was a pilot?? So cool!! Hope all goes great with his solo ride!
Also, I am so happy to hear about sunshine. Oddly enough I have been thinking of her and wondering how she was doing. Funny how pets become a big part of our lives, eh?

Marni said...

LOVE THE VID! you and aly lou are the best first roomies I could have ever asked for... and kaitlyn and megs too ofcourse. want to see you soon!!

mish said...

STILL the most-watched video in our home!!!