Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Last week Dusty and I got to spend some quality time with these munchkins,


and these ones too

P5284581 P5284579 (that’s my mom’s, “I thought I lost you in New York” face – it’s always good to be home!)  

PLUS a lot of other awesome people, like my Dad, Gee, Jen, Matt, Jenean and Derek…but…they didn’t squeeze into any pictures of Penelope or Piper so I’m sorry to say I don’t have so many of those guys! 

Matt and Jenean got in this one - we celebrated my birthday,


(there is a candle in that cup…25 of them, actually…)

P5284562 P5284556
P5284560 P5284586
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P5284585 P5284559

And I already miss them like crazy.  Again.  Well…time to start planning my next trip!


Rachael said...

Yay! So cute! I'm glad you had fun!!! Now, when can WE celebrate your bday??? lol

cbryan said...

Dear Julie's Family, I miss you too! Please let me come visit when I'm in CT next month :)

I'm glad I got to give you a ride to the airport Julie! We need to hang out more before we move.

Lia said...

I am amazed by the blondeness!!

Also, so excited that your next trip is with me! =)

Rob and Kat said...

happy belated birthday jules! that cake looks pretty tasty. :)

Unknown said...

Great pictures, Jules! I'm wondering, in the picture of you blowing out your candles on the deck - what is that brown thing in the big bowl in front of you? It looks... mysteriously tasty.

And Adam has some questions: Did Penelope and Piper go with you to New York? And, Why did you go to New York?

mish said...

Crystal! Are you crazy?! Would you break all of our hearts and not visit with us?! Can't wait to see you!!

Ben, LOVE the profile pic, HA!!

The picture of Mom, worried, is so classic. Good thing it's hard to get to the edge of the bklyn bridge! She may have had a heart attack!
We miss you already, SO MUCH!! Piper prays for you guys every night (it's super cute).