Thursday, October 6, 2011

Today I went to the library.

Lately when I go to the library, I seem to know exactly what I’m looking for and head straight to the Young Adult section.  Today I thought, “I bet this book will be in the (normal) fantasy section…it’s pretty popular..” So I headed instead to the grown-up section (feeling really grown-up).  No such luck, so I meandered back to my familiar nook of the library, thinking that SOMEday - I will graduate to that section, but not today.  Sometimes I even feel weird in the YA section – like an imposter, or maybe I’m just not smart enough to be interested in something in the normal book area.  Ah well,  I barely see people I know in the library anyway…

But today I got to my nook, and could NOT find Harry Potter.  Yes, I’m re-reading all the Harry Potter books, because I only read the first 4 (or 5?), a VERY long time ago (like before college – I know I’m so old) (but not grown-up, haha) and I’ve been wanting to finish them for awhile now.  But when I asked for help to find them, I learned they are in the CHILDREN’s section (duh, Julie!).  I’ve never been to the Children’s section of our library – it’s downstairs and I’ve never had a reason to go there….and it is awesome.  Who knew!!  First of all, the decorating is much better than upstairs.  And they have all these cute little miniature sofas and chairs for kids to read in, and I think I spent at least an hour sitting on the floor reading children’s books – that were so good!! 

And I realized, I will NOT be graduating any time soon - I might actually be reversing in my literature interests in the next few years… and I’m so excited!!


cbryan said...

This post has me cracking up! Man I love you Julie :) I was totally in the same boat as you with the Harry Potter books, I read all but the last 2 like 10 years ago or something. But I just decided to read the last two, not all of them again LOL (Also, back in the day it took me months to get through one of those huge books and this time I read both books in TWO weeks.) I will stop rambling now... Love you :)

Lia said...

Children's books are the best!!

Mary said...

Another neat feature of the children's section of my library: Story Time. It keeps my kiddos occupied , so I can keep an eye on them while I help myself to books. No such diversions upstairs in the grown up section, so my youngest entertains himself by running through the stacks and gleefully pulling books off the shelves.