Monday, April 2, 2012

two months


Troy is two months old!  He:

-weighed 10lb 12.8oz at his 2 month Dr checkup, and was 21 inches long.

-got his 2 month vaccinations – his little scream was so sad but only lasted for a few seconds – his face just got all scrunched up, and as soon as I started nursing him he just looked so relieved

-gets a lot more Daddy time now that Dusty defended his dissertation a couple weeks ago!  I know Dusty isn’t “officially” done yet (he keeps telling me) but every day just feels like Saturday now that he’s home more and can actually relax.  It’s wonderful.

-is cooing a lot and smiling at us more every day, which I love!  I usually can get him to smile if I say his full name to him, Troy David Williams – it’s adorable

-likes when I read Harry Potter out loud to him, or at least is usually not fussy when we’re reading out loud so I think he likes it…he also coos a lot when I read to him like he is talking to me

-is sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches at night – it’s heavenly!

-went to Rainbow springs yesterday and Dusty dipped his feet in the water – he didn’t scream and looked pretty happy so we think he liked that too, haha!

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cbryan said...

He looks like such a fun baby! I can't wait to meet him!! I love that picture of him and Dusty :)

jess bahr said...

too too cute! I love him!