Monday, February 27, 2012

weekend adventure

Judge us if you will, but this past weekend we took Troy down Silver River – his first kayaking trip!  It was 3 miles, all downstream so I didn’t take a paddle- Dusty was our guide for the day.. I’d say the trip was a great success!  Saw some alligators, some monkeys, lots of birds, lots of turtles, and most importantly – got out of the house! 


100_0046 Troy mostly slept in his Moby (thanks Auntie Jenean and Uncle Matt!) which was good.  Didn’t want to attract any mama alligators or scary biting monkeys.






Meagan said...

starting him young! ... I love it!

Rachael said...

awwww!!! SO cute. Guess we better get on those pics ASAP, like friday or sat? he's all a'growin up!! you guys are brave. i think one wet diaper in a kayak and i'd be freakin out lol coolest parents ever.

Rob and Kat said...

so adventurous. i like it! looks like fun jules.